The regular meeting of the Chesapeake Airport Authority was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., at the Chesapeake Regional Airport, Chesapeake, Virginia.
MEMBERS PRESENT | Wynn Dixon, Paul Chappell, Don Britt, Chad Diederich, Meredith Kennedy, Richard Cheliras. C. T. Cowling arrived after the meeting commenced. | |
MEMBERS ABSENT | Burke Craver and Steve Morien | |
AIRPORT MANAGER | Chris Schrantz | |
LEGAL COUNSEL | Anita Poston, Vandeventer Black LLP | |
ENGINEERS | Steve Peterson, Talbert & Bright |
In the absence of the Chairman, who was late due to traffic, Vice-Chairman Dixon called the meeting to order.
A motion was duly made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes from the meeting of April 2019 with one correction that Mr. Chappell attended the April meeting.
Mr. Britt reported that he had reviewed the financial reports for April and recommended approval. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed to accept the financial statements as presented for April 2019.
Mr. Schrantz reviewed the invoices over $1,000:
Mr. Schrantz reviewed the invoices for the month: Ireland Electric $1,461.73 (New Pump); Talbert & Bright $1,414.50 (Rent Study); and NaturChem $1,200.00 (Herbicide).
Operating Invoices over $1,000 covered by the annual check signing resolution or previously approved and paid are listed below:
Talbert & Bright $1,316.11 (CS6-50 Inv. 5); $4,805 (VPDES Permit Application); and 1,370.28 (Rent Study); Dominion Power $2,174.94, $1,170.38 (Utility Bills) and US Bank $9,771.83 (Bond Payment).
A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve payment of these invoices.
Mr. Schrantz discussed the need to update the minimum standards before the procurement of the new fixed base operation. He is working with the FBO Committee and Counsel and will present a recommendation to the Authority soon.
Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit
The permit application is complete and we are now waiting on water samples to be collected and processed.
Hangar Site Preparation Construction
Construction site is still shut down due to the wet weather; the contractor should be back on site soon as the hot weather arrives.
Ms. Kennedy made the following motion which was seconded and unanimously approved:
I move that the Board of the Chesapeake Airport Authority convene in a closed meeting pursuant to the exemption at Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(1) for discussion of the assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplining or resignation of specific public officers, appointees, or employees of the Authority.
Following such motion, the Authority went into closed meeting.
Certification of Closed Meeting:
Following the closed meeting, Mr. Kennedy made the following motion:
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board of the Chesapeake Airport Authority hereby certifies that to the best of each member’s knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Virginia Code, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the closed meeting.
Mr. Diederich | Yes |
Mr. Britt | Yes |
Ms. Kennedy | Yes |
Mr. Cheliras | Yes |
Mr. Chappell | Yes |
Mr. Dixon | Yes |
Mr. Cowling was not present for the closed meeting.
Ms. Kennedy made a motion that the Authority take steps to bring staff salaries more in line with industry standards published by the Western Management Group Study. The motion was seconded and approved 6-0. Chairman Cowling abstained from voting.
Ms. Kennedy made a motion to adopt the job descriptions and salary ranges presented by the vice-chairman for the positions of Accounting Manager, Supervisor of Maintenance and Airport Manager attached hereto. The motion was seconded and approved 6-0. Chairman Cowling abstained from the vote.
Ms. Kennedy made a motion for the Manager to take necessary actions to seek a budget adjustment to fund the salaries approved in the foregoing resolution. The motion was seconded and approved 6-0. Chairman Cowling abstained from the vote.
Manager’s Report
Mr. Schrantz manager report:
Ultralight Aircraft
Mr. Schrantz is seeking guidance from the F.A.A. on accommodating ultralight aircraft traffic approaching or departing Chesapeake Regional Airport.
Paraglider Operations
Mr. Schrantz is also seeking advice from FSDO and WADO regarding powered paraglider operations. Powered paragliding is a recognized aeronautical activity. The only licensed landing area on Airport property is the paved runway. The Airport rules should be updated to reflect the new generation of aeronautical activities such as drones, gyrocopters, etc.
Solar Farms
Mr. Schrantz visited with the City Planning Department and expressed the Authority’s concerns over locating solar panels in the approach 1,000 feet from the threshold to 23. Mr. Schrantz will be meeting with Shanelle Wilson from Nextera energy tomorrow to discuss those concerns. Mr. Schrantz will draft a letter advising the Authority’s concerns with the solar farm when he receives the FAA position on solar farms.
B-17 Visit
A B-17 visited last Friday. It was an unscheduled stop during filming.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Wynn Dixon
The minutes are summary in nature and are not intended to be an exact transcript of the proceedings.