The regular meeting of the Chesapeake Airport Authority was held via Zoom technology platform after required notice on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., from the Chesapeake Airport, Chesapeake Virginia.
MEMBERS PRESENT: C.T. Cowling, Gregg Benshoff, Chad Diederich, Wynn Dixon, Paul Chappell, and Meredith Kenned
MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Britt, Richard Cheliras and Richard McMillian
LEGAL COUNSEL: Anita Poston, Vandeventer Black LLP
CITY LIAISON: George Hrichak, City Garage
Chairman Cowling called the meeting to order and advised the members of the process to be followed during the electronic meeting. Roll was taken with attendance as noted above.
The Chairman entertained a motion by Ms. Kennedy that was properly seconded to certify and approve the remote meeting.
The Chesapeake Airport Authority Board is meeting at 7:00 PM on June 8, 2021 pursuant to the Operating Policies adopted by the Virginia General Assembly to allow the governing board of a public body to meet by electronic communication means without a quorum of the members physically assembled in one location when the Governor has declared a state of emergency;
Whereas, the Governor has declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic the nature of which makes it impractical and unsafe for the Members and staff of the Authority to assemble in a single location; and
Whereas, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss and transact the business necessary to continue operations of the Authority and the Chesapeake Regional Airport which it owns and operates; and
Whereas, the Authority shall make available a recording or transcript of the meeting following the meeting; and
Whereas, the Authority has given notice to the public of its meeting all as required in accordance with the law; and
Whereas, the public has access to this meeting through electronic means through an audio connection provided by Zoom Meeting Platform; and
Whereas this Resolution shall be filed in the minutes of the meeting.
Now therefore, the Authority hereby finds and certifies that the aforesaid conditions for the holding of this meeting remotely have been satisfied, and the holding of the meeting by electronic means is hereby approved.
A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Mr. ChapelYes
Mr. BenshoffYes
Mr. DixonYes
Ms. KennedyYes
Mr. DiederichNo
Mr. CT CowlingYes
A motion was made and duly seconded, to accept the minutes from the May 2021 meeting. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Ms. Kennedy reviewed the financial statements for May 2021 and made a motion to accept them as presented. The motion was duly seconded and passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Mr. Schrantz noted there were no invoices to approve. A motion to approve the invoices over $4,999 as presented was made. The motion was duly seconded and passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Ms. Kennedy made the following motion: I move that the Chesapeake Airport Authority convene in a closed meeting in accordance with Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(1): to consider and discuss the salaries of specific employees of the Authority. The motion was properly seconded and unanimously passed on a roll call vote.
The Open Meeting resumed at approximately 8:40 p.m.
Ms. Kennedy moved for adoption of the following resolution: Now, therefore, be it resolved that the board of the Chesapeake Airport Authority hereby certifies that to the best of each member’s knowledge: (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Virginia Code, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. The motion was duly seconded and a roll call vote to certify the Closed Meeting was taken as follows:
Mr. ChapelYes
Mr. BenshoffYes
Mr. DixonYes
Ms. KennedyYes
Mr. DiederichNo
Mr. CT CowlingYes
Ms. Kennedy moved to increase the airport’s manager salary in the amount discussed at the February 13, 2019 meeting in recognizing his achievement of AAAE Certification. The motion was properly seconded and unanimously passed with a roll call vote.
Mr. Cowling offered Mr. Schrantz his congratulations on achieving the AAAE Certification.
Mr. Cowling appointed Ms. Kennedy and Mr. Dixon to the Nominating Committee and charged them to develop a slate of officers for consideration at the next meeting.
ENGINEERS REPORT By Steve Peterson, Talbert & Bright
T-Hangar Pavement Rehabilitation – Phase 1 (Construction)
Paving operations have been completed. The contractor is currently under a temporary shutdown to allow asphalt to cure ahead of sealcoat placement and final marking. It will take approximately two more weeks and then final seal coating and marking will be completed.
The project is currently on schedule and tracking under budget. The contractor should be substantially complete within the next 3-weeks.
T-Hangar/Terminal Parking Lot Pavement Rehabilitation – Phase 2 (Design)
The project was advertised June 6th. A pre-bid meeting will be held on June 23rd at 11a.m. Bids are scheduled to be opened on July 8th.
Bid packages are due to the DOAV by July 20th for the August VAB meeting.
Runway and Taxiway Lighting Rehabilitation
Talbert and Bright is continuing the design of the lighting rehabilitation. Design efforts are at approximately 45%. The next submission date is September 2021 for the 90% package. This project is currently shown in FY22 of the federal fiscal year. The project is still scheduled to bid in April 2022.
- Aircraft landed wheels up on Sunday, May 23. No injuries and the aircraft was recovered and moved to the tenant’s hangar.
- Water main carrying fire protection water to the hydrants broke on Saturday night, May 29th. The manager secured the pump and coordinated the repair through George Hrichak. Public Utilities from the city made the repairs. System is back in service.
- The manager met with the Fire Marshal’s office to discuss impacts to aircraft if forced to land in a solar panel array.
- A meeting was held with Chesapeake Fire Department to discuss pressures within the fire protection main delivery line potentially causing the failure of the length of pipe at the end of the pipe run.
- City Council postponed the Solar Panel vote for a conditional use permit. The manager spoke in opposition to the conditional use permit. Mr. David Zook was also there to speak in opposition from his perspective as an interested business developer as well as a professional airline pilot and Airline Check Airman. The manager plans to attend the next Council meeting to speak in opposition to the proposed conditional use permit.
- The RFP for the FBO is very close to being finished and distributed shortly.
- A new memorandum of agreement with the city has been offered to the airport and is now with Ms. Poston for review. The new language has only to do with how we interact with the City Garage.
Mr. Cowling discussed the solar farm project and the airport opposition to this project.
Mr. Benshoff discussed his interest in putting together some community events such as food trucks at the airport to help draw interest to the airport and getting the community interested in partnering with the airport.
Mr. Cowling stated that Vanessa Christie advised him before the meeting that she would like to occupy one whole hangar once built. Mr. Cowling stated his appreciation to Ms. Christie for her patience and interest.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
CT Cowling