The regular meeting of the Chesapeake Airport Authority was held on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., at the Chesapeake Regional Airport, Chesapeake, Virginia.
MEMBERS PRESENT: | Paul Chappell, Meredith Kennedy, C. T. Cowling, Wynn Dixon, Richard Cheliras, Steve Morien, Chad Diederich and Richard McMillan |
AIRPORT MANAGER | Chris Schrantz |
LEGAL COUNSEL | Anita Poston, Vandeventer Black LLP |
Chairman Cowling called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
A motion was duly made, seconded and passed to approve the minutes from the meeting of January 2020, as previously circulated with the revisions noted.
Mr. Britt stated that he had reviewed the financial reports for January 2020 and recommended approval. A motion to accept the financial statements as presented for January was duly seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Schrantz reviewed the following invoices for the month of January:
Operating invoices over $1,000 covered by the annual check signing resolution or previously approved and paid are listed below: Parkway Grading $31,652.52 (CS6-49 Payroll Request); Talbert & Bright $6,854.84 (CS6-49 Inv 16) and $13,898.34 (CS6-53 Inv 4).
Operating Invoices over $1,000 covered by the annual check signing resolution or previously approved and paid are listed below: City of Chesapeake $13,500 (City Note); $33,284 (Stormwater Fees); Parkway Grading $3,327.50 (Payroll Request); Talbert & Bright $2,550.65 (CS6-52 SWPPP); $9,417.09 (CS6-53 Environmental Study for Taxiway); US Bank $7,533.33 (Bond); Dominion Power $1,348.92, $2,348.03 (Utility); US Bank $7,533.33 (Trustee Payment); Austin Electrical $1,100.00 (AWOS) and Pender and Coward $4,066.50 (Easement Acquisition).
A motion to approve payment of these invoices was properly made, seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Diederich requested copies of the bylaws and any procedure and policy manual or, if no such manual currently exists, recommended development of a procedures manual. Chairman Cowling agreed that it would be timely to review the bylaws and asked Mr. Diederich to take on that effort. Mr. Schrantz agreed to collect the current policies and procedures for distribution to the members.
TALBERT &BRIGHT Submitted by Steve Peterson
The new plans and pricing for the FBO will be ready for presentation to the Authority at the meeting in March.
Draft versions of these documents have been submitted to the DOAV and the airport manager for initial review. There are some minor changes that need to be made. If no comments are received from the DOAV then the changes will be made and the final documents should be completed prior to the next meeting.
T-Hangar Pavement Rehabilitation
We are currently working on the design plans. All survey and geotechnical data have been received. A site visit was conducted prior to the meeting to look at the condition of the existing pavement as well as the distresses. This project is planned to be bid in June in order to get DOAV funding at the August VAB meeting. The project is currently on schedule.
Mr. Schrantz stated that he had met with Jimmy Sanderson of Davenport & Co. to develop the financial data for the bond. Mr. Schrantz requested that the Finance Committee me with Mr. Sanderson to go through the information to get it ready for the upcoming DOAV board meeting.
Mr. Schrantz stated that Mr. Greg Dorson has been employed to replace Dan Bigley and will start February 18, 2020. Dan Bigley will be here part-time to do training.
Mr. Schrantz stated that Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Chesapeake has been completed. Mr. Schrantz discussed the changes which were the employee benefits in the MOA. Mr. Schrantz recommended that the Authority adopt the MOA and get it put in place. A motion to adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign the MOA with the city was seconded and approved. Mr. Schrantz also recommended that we put out a request for proposal for a third-party payroll service and human resource services to see what costs are associated with running our payroll.
Chairman Cowling thanked the members of the Authority for their time and contributions to the Authority.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
CT Cowling